As you get older, you might be looking into your options when it comes to senior living. There are lots of decisions to make, especially if you are married and want to make sure you can both continue to live together while getting the necessary care. Of course, you have probably realized by now that just because you and your spouse are both senior citizens does not mean you need the same amount of help. That’s why most senior living communities make it a point to provide different levels of care for seniors living in the same household.

Housing Choices

Most senior care facilities offer a wide range of floor plans when it comes to their apartments, cottages or other types of housing. A couple can simply choose a larger home than a single person would, ensuring there is enough room for both to live comfortably. Of course, they should make sure the living space meets the needs of the person who has to have the most help. For example, if one of you uses a walker, wheelchair or other equipment, the home should accommodate it. In addition, you should make sure the home is large enough to avoid becoming too crowded when nurses and other staff members come in to help you or your partner.

Needs Assessment

Senior living communities should conduct a needs assessment before couples move in. This can ensure that each gets the care he or she needs, whether it is just a little help with transportation or complete senior healthcare. Many communities only charge for the services needed by each resident, so both partners do not have to pay for services that only one of them will use. In addition, there should be a follow-up assessment every so often to determine if the needs of each person have changed at all after the move-in date.


Senior care communities should provide amenities for residents of all abilities. This means that if you are healthier or more social than your spouse, you should have the chance to get out of the house and attend community activities while knowing that your spouse is being well cared for at home. An even better solution would be for the senior living community to offer activities you can both do, despite needing different levels of care.

Are you having trouble choosing senior care that works for both you and your spouse? If so, consider contacting senior living communities near you and asking how they can accommodate couples with different needs.

The Senior Transition Guide was developed to assist in finding the correct level of care – for your spouse, loved one – or even yourself. Take our assessment and find the best care possible.