Are you currently exploring the senior living options in your area? If so, you may have narrowed down whether you need assisted or independent senior housing, and what medical care you will need on a daily basis. However, there are other aspects of senior care to consider, all of which can greatly contribute to your longevity and overall well-being.

While these features may not be at the forefront of your mind as you look into senior care, they are important to remember as you visit the facilities and communities in your area. Before making a decision regarding your housing and care, be sure to remember the Three S’s:


No matter which type of senior living community you choose, you will want to ensure that you stay safe from any hazardous situations, whether they’re slips and falls that are fairly harmless or whether they may have more tragic outcomes. Examine showers and tubs to ensure that they won’t cause you to fall and get hurt, and check to ensure that all stair railings are secure. Homes and apartments should also have proper smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and other safety devices to help you avoid both minor and serious injuries.

Just this month, in fact, seniors living in homes in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania experienced deadly fires in their facilities. In Massachusetts, one woman died from burns sustained during a fire; in Pennsylvania, 17 residents were evacuated from a senior assisted living home. Any senior living options that you explore should be able to provide you with their emergency procedures and response to fires and other catastrophes.


Just as senior citizens are especially vulnerable to building safety problems in an assisted living facility, they also need to be concerned about their security. For example, in an Austin, Texas, senior community, a 90-year-old couple reported having money stolen from their apartment. Although it turned out to be a maintenance worker who took the cash, seniors are strongly cautioned to store their belongings and lock their doors when they are not home. With today’s technology, many senior apartments have secured entry, so only residents can get into the building. Rooms and apartments in shared buildings should also provide you with a lock on the door, so you can have privacy when you need it.


Above all, you should choose an independent or assisted living home that would make you happy to live in. You have plenty of senior living options, so be sure to visit plenty to make an informed decision. When you make your appointments to visit, you can also meet with residents to see if the facility will be a good fit. You can talk to staff members to determine whether they are friendly, helpful, and approachable. If you don’t think you’ll be safe, secure, or satisfied in a particular senior home, then move on to the next one.

Finding the best homes for seniors in your area won’t happen overnight — just as the purchase or rental of any home or apartment doesn’t happen instantly. Be sure to explore all of the options you need, and don’t forget to consider your required medical treatments, either. If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment below.