No one is immune from the aging process, and most people need a little help as they get older. This help can come in the form of assisted living, independent living, or any other type of senior community. If you are having trouble deciding whether you need a little assistance as you get older, take a look at these common signs.

Medical Issues

Senior healthcare is a major feature that most senior living communities can help with, so if you find that you are frequently ill, injured or simply taking a long time to recover, you might need help with your medical needs. In addition, reports that sudden weight loss or gain, frequent falls around the house and even close calls can be signs that you need a little assistance from day to day.

Personal Hygiene

Most senior housing communities offer help with personal hygiene. This might include bathing, dressing and brushing hair and teeth. Maybe you only need assistance with one of these tasks, or maybe you could use the help all around. Either way, choosing senior care that can help you stay clean and feel good about appearance is a good idea.


If you have become increasingly overwhelmed with the many needs of your home, moving to a senior community can relieve some stress. points out that many seniors struggle with tasks like cleaning, grocery shopping, taking care of pets, paying bills and cooking. And if you are rarely able to keep the house clean, home maintenance and repairs can seem downright impossible. If you think you could breathe a sigh of relief if you no longer had these responsibilities, you should considering choosing senior care.

Social Needs

Many seniors find it hard to leave their house, especially if they no longer feel comfortable driving. This can cause them to feel alone and even depressed. If you don’t have friends or relatives nearby and are starting to feel like your social life no longer exists, moving to a senior care facility may be the best choice. Most senior communities have social events that make it easy to meet peers without having to make your own plans or even drive anywhere.

Do any of these telltale signs seem familiar? If so, it may be worth it to start looking into how to choose senior care.